Thursday, 21 April 2016

Life At It's Wittiest & Most Humorous - Funny Life

Have you ever noticed how quickly everything looks so easy and understandable when presented in a humorous and witty way? Well, that's the supremacy of humor and wit. It makes learning easy and fun. One day I was sitting in my balcony having a cup of tea and reading a magazine, when I come across this funny quote about life; it was written by Brendan Gill, here's the quote:

Funny Life

Not a single evidence exists in support of the idea that life is serious

I found this thought to be extremely profound and at the same minute, extremely funny. This quote made me think, why do we tend to be gloomy and serious. Life is meant to be happy, not serious all the time, one should enjoy it to the fullest.

Here's one more quote from my favorite collection, which I came across lately: 

Don't take life seriously. No one gets out alive

I came across this lovely quote while surfing the Internet. The quote was written on someone's profile. Immediately I jotted it down (I have this habit of jotting down every thought and funny life quotes that I come across). I was so impressed with this thought that I made a poster of this quote, framed it and then put it in my living room wall. Too often, we ask our friends, our relatives and even our kids to take life seriously. But why take life seriously? You are surely going to miss out on so many beautiful things that life has to offer if you take it in a serious manner. In the long run, it won't give you anything but melancholy and a stressful life. Life is designed to be simple and we are always trying to make it complex...Don't know why? Constantly, we are adding pinch (more, in-fact) of seriousness to make it complicated. Add pinch of humor, enjoyment, fun, laughter and life will become easy and perfect to go along with...

And here's yet another funny (yet wisdom rich) thought about life:

My life has been filled with dreadful misfortune; most of which never happened

Everyone of us can relate their lives to this quote. Isn't it funny?, we cringe over the things of the past, which have long gone or dwell over the things of the future which we are not sure entirely about. 'What will happen?' or 'What am I gonna do when so and so will happen?', we waste so much of our precious time thinking about IFs and BUTs of life, rather than enjoying the WOWs of life. The future is yet to come and past has long gone and we have to understand this...the only thing we have to see is the present moment, which is in our hands. So enjoy to your fullest.
Visit our website for more funny stuff...

1 comment:

  1. I am a die-hard follower of your work. Really appreciating efforts to make everyone realize, how special they are...
